Taste the difference hive to table honey makes! Our honey varies in color and flavor by season, but is always a delicious blend of local wildflowers. The honey in our...
Refreshing, light, natural scent of chamomile, lavender and honey. Topped with dried lavender straight from the garden. We bring our love for our flock and our bees together in our...
Wake up each morning to the wonderful aroma of fresh mocha coffee in your shower! We bring our love for our flock and our bees together in our soap by...
Black Sheep is a masculine blend of bergamot and warm, creamy sandalwood with rich musk. Naturally colored with activated charcoal powder. We bring our love for our flock and our...
Soap made lovingly from sheep milk and honey from our farm. This soap is made using pure skin healthy ingredients. We added spirulina (blue-green algae that grows in warm, alkaline...